Continuous Professional Development Update

Continuous Professional Development Update

Chelation Therapy and Autoimmune Arthritis

This presentation will concentrate on two commonly encountered autoimmune arthritis: namely rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis. Their clinical features and different modalities of management will be reviewed. The talk will cover:

  • The role of free radical pathology in the pathogenesis of autoimmune arthritis;
  • Principles of preventive medicine in terms of rationale in using chelation therapy,
  • Clinical nutrition and life style modifications in management.


Dr Mak graduated

Dr Mak graduated from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1989, and practiced anaesthesiology, and anatomical pathology.

In 1992, he began his practice in internal medicine and geriatrics in public hospital and became a specialist in geriatric medicine.

He studies under the tutelage of Dr. Kenneth C.K. Ing in prevention and cure of chronic disease.


Lecture hall, 4/F, Duke of Windsor, Social Service Building, 15 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, HK

Date and Time

23 September 2016 (19:30 – 21:30)

Course Charge

HKD250 (HKD200 before 15th Sept, 2016)


Please contact or +852 3998 3222


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