Continuous Professional Development Update

Continuous Professional Development Update

Vestibular Rehabilitation, including Cervicogenic Dizziness

Attendees will be taught to identify signs and symptoms that indicate central/sinister pathology. Rehabilitation techniques included in the course have a strong evidence base.

Date and Time

4th-5th November, 2017 (9:00 - 16:30, lunch: 13:00-14:00)


Lecture hall, 4/F, Duke of Windsor Social Service building, 15 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong


Richard O’Hara MCSP BSc HPC

  • 9 years continuous NHS experience (over 7 years MSK)
  • 2 years as an Advanced Physiotherapy Practitioner Band 7 (MSK)
  • AACP and Vestibular Rehabilitation course tutor
  • MSc Acupuncture in Healthcare

Course Introduction

This intense two day course covers the essentials of clinical vestibular assessment and treatment. A strong emphasis is placed on differential diagnosis, clinical reasoning and treatment selection for vestibular disorders.

Course Outline

  • Understand basic vestibular anatomy and physiology (semicircular canal orientation and function and the vestibulo-ocular reflex in particular)
  • Have an overview of the main vestibular pathologies
  • Take a relevant subjective history including vestibular special questions
  • Carry out a clinical oculomotor examination
  • Clinically assess the vestibulo-ocular reflex and vestibular symmetry (dynamic visual acuity, infrared video analysis and head thrust test)
  • Clinically evaluate different types of nystagmus (central vs peripheral)
  • Carry out an appropriate outcome-based assessment of balance
  • Do positional testing for BPPV, interpret findings and treat using the appropriate manoeuvre (posterior, anterior and horizontal canal variants)
  • Understand the potential for and clinical significance of cervicogenic dizziness
Devise, evaluate and progress a patient-specific exercise-based rehabilitation programme

Course Fees

$4800 (HKD3800 for early bird registration before 10th October 2017)


  • Online Registration with e-payment, click here, or
  • Please complete the attached form and return it with a cheque made payable to: Hong Kong Chiropractic College Foundation Ltd and send them to CPD dept, 11/fl China Hong Kong Tower, 8 Hennessy Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong, or
  • Fees can also be transferred to the Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corporation Account 652-096850-001. Please email the registration form together with the bank-in slip to


A cancellation fee of HKD500 will be charged for cancellations received at least 10 working days in advance of the event. No refund will be given for cancellation received less than 10 working days in advance.


Please contact or +852 3998 3222


Please download the application form here