Continuous Professional Development Update

Continuous Professional Development Update

Seminar Report TMD HKCCF

On 23d November 2018, The Hong Kong Chiropractic College Foundation held an evening seminar on Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction, TMD, with Dr Stanley K L Lee, guest speaker.

TMD often presents with a broad array of unspecific signs and symptoms, ranging from head and neck and facial pain, jaw locking, clicking, soreness, dizziness, low back pain, ear pain and more. Most of the sufferers are misdiagnosed, usually by more than one health practitioner, and provided with inappropriate treatment of little clinical benefit. Most of the patients may become chronic pain sufferers, and in distress with emotional and physical ramifications.

Dr. Lee, 25 years of clinical practice in dentistry, specialized in Prosthodontics (oral rehabilitation) and Periodontology, shared his passion and experience in managing patients with TMD, with a group of 16 Hong-Kong registered Health Professionals, including Chiropractors and Physiotherapists.

From the anatomical and physiological considerations regarding the human temporomandibular joint, the structure and function of this joint, to its functional disturbances related to dental occlusal alterations, poor body posture and spinal disorders, Dr. Lee demonstrated clinical and radiological interpretations helping to better understand and diagnose this disorder, as well as different therapeutic options and interprofessional collaboration for better helping patient affected with this condition which is believe to affect 25-30% of the population.

Seminar Report TMD HKCCF

Seminar Report TMD HKCCF

Seminar Report TMD HKCCF